Our Mission:
Cultivating Life!
Revealing Purpose Through The Arts…
Cultivating Life!
Revealing Purpose Through The Arts…
Purpose Revealed has serviced 100’s of children in the Chicagoland area and continues to provide quality and affordable programs especially in areas of need. These programs are open to all. Purpose Revealed has received awards of recognition, rave reviews from parents,community leaders, school principals and local radio stations. Purpose Revealed’s youth have hosted their own productions, summer camps, saturday arts programs and been invited to be special guest and danced in venues around the city.
Purpose Revealed has held programs in Roseland, Englewood, Auburn Gresham, Washington Heights and Woodland areas in Chicago.
Youth have taken their first professional dance and theater classes, participated in their first production, received quality arts programs like martial arts, dance, voice, mentoring and theater.
We provide affordable quality programs to students in underserved neighborhoods and others . After participating in our sessions, students are able to identify and mirror basic ballet movement and dance choreography in various genres. Students are able to read and act out scripts, move around the stage etc.
Billy Montgomery
Dear Youth,
This was for you! My heart and soul cry for you because I truly love and want the best for you! I wanted you to take a moment to feel safe and unbothered while at play. I wanted you to know what it felt like to play basketball in the alley and football on the streets! Heck, I wanted you to know how it felt to watch Good Times and laugh without some special news break about another life being taken! Feel the snatch of big mamas loving hand while she encouraged and scolded simultaneously! Didn't that soul train line make you feel like there wasn't a care in the world! In effort to help reweave our communities by focusing on our own blocks, we need a Ms. Biles watching and making sure our block is beautiful, a Miss Kindred to keep us in line by watching everything going on to keep us safe and parents, grandparents and teachers working together to make our Neighborhoods a better place! It's not about Ms Ro but about the work that has to be done so no matter how cliche, there is no I in TEAM! Let's continue the work of creating memories and guiding youth to purpose!
Rocherr Landrum (Ms. Ro)
Saturday Programs, Summer Camps
Background Check is required
The youth of PR benefits from all donations